The Nehemiah Foundation

The Nehemiah Foundation


Nonprofit Organizations

About Us

With over 25 years of serving Springfield, Ohio, the Nehemiah Foundation has established itself as a neutral convener – praying, uniting, equipping and mobilizing ministries, churches, and individuals to work together to amplify their positive impact to build God’s kingdom in Springfield and Clark County. Moving into the next 25 years of purpose and mission, Nehemiah will continue to lead efforts to identify some of the common concerns in our community and then unite and mobilize the Christian community to come together to address these areas of need. As thought leaders and ambassadors for transformation in our city, the Nehemiah Foundation staff and board will continue to pursue insight, wisdom, and opportunities for concrete steps toward tearing down walls of racial and economic disparity, building moral and spiritual foundations for future generations, strengthening families, and mending broken lives. To help address these critical common concerns, The Nehemiah Foundation will continue to identify best practices, utilize evidence-based research, support and connect local ministries, pastors, and civic leaders, and facilitate community-based projects, initiatives, programs, and unifying events.


  • 27 Years of Service in Clark County
  • Uniting 50 local churches for cooperative community impact
  • Partnering with 28+ local faith-based nonprofits


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